
looks like a very useful extension to Flink. Thanks for letting us know!

You can also use the commun...@flink.apache.org mailing list to spread the news because the user@ list is more for user support questions and help.


Am 14.12.18 um 09:23 schrieb GezimSejdiu:
Dear all,

The Smart Data Analytics group (http://sda.tech) is happy to announce SANSA
0.5 - the fifth release of the Scalable Semantic Analytics Stack. SANSA
employs distributed computing via Apache Spark and Apache Flink in order to
allow scalable machine learning, inference and querying capabilities for
large knowledge graphs.

Website: http://sansa-stack.net
GitHub: https://github.com/SANSA-Stack
Download: https://github.com/SANSA-Stack/SANSA-Stack/releases

We included support for heterogeneous data sources via a new data lake
concept, added new clustering algorithms, support for the Ontop virtual RDF
graph tool and many more features in this release. You can find the FAQ and
usage examples at http://sansa-stack.net/faq/.

View this announcement on Twitter and the Sansa blog:

Kind regards,

The SANSA Development Team

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