How quick does job batch terminate? Metrics are unregistered once the
job ends; if the job duration is shorter than the report interval they
may never be exposed.
On 28.11.2018 15:18, bastien dine wrote:
Hello Chesnay,
Thanks for your response !
I have logs enable (info), slf4jReporter is working, I can see :
15:16:00.112 [Flink-MetricRegistry-thread-1] INFO
org.apache.flink.metrics.slf4j.Slf4jReporter -
=========================== Starting metrics report
-- Counters
-- Gauges
On both jobmanager & taskmanager,
*BUT* i see only system metrics, not my custom one..
Am i missing something in declaration in my topology ?
_Note_ : I am using DataSet API (so my program is batch, and not
Bastien DINE
Data Architect / Software Engineer / Sysadmin <>
Le mar. 27 nov. 2018 à 17:07, Chesnay Schepler <
<>> a écrit :
Please enable WARN logging and check for warnings by the
SLF4JReporter and/or MetricQueryService.
On 27.11.2018 17:00, bastien dine wrote:
Hello everyone,
Once again I require your help !
I am trying to report custom metric (see my code below)
Yet, I do not see them anywhere.. nor in the metric tab from my
tasks, nor in the rest API, nor in the declared slf4j reporter..
Can someone help me to debug this ..
Here is my RichMap function :
public class MetricGaugeRichMap<T,E extends MetricTuple<T>> extends
RichMapFunction<E,E> {
private transient T valueToExpose;
private final StringmetricGroup;
private final StringmetricName;
public MetricGaugeRichMap(String metricGroup, String metricName) {
this.metricGroup = metricGroup;
this.metricName = metricName;
@Override public void open(Configuration config) {
.gauge(metricName, (Gauge<T>) () -> valueToExpose);
@Override public E map(E metricTuple)throws Exception {
valueToExpose = metricTuple.getMetricValue();
return metricTuple;
calling from topology :
env.fromElements(new MetricTuple<>(metricGroup,metricName,metricValue))
.map(new MetricGaugeRichMap<>(metricGroup,metricName))
.output(new MetricGaugeOutputFormat<>()); // dummy output
Bastien DINE
Data Architect / Software Engineer / Sysadmin <>