
Is there anyone can answer me?

Tony Wei

Tony Wei <tony19920...@gmail.com> 於 2018年11月20日 週二 下午7:39寫道:

> Hi,
> Is there any way to provide s3.access-key and s3.secret-key in flink
> application, instead of setting
> them in flink-conf.yaml?
> In our use case, my team provide a flink standalone cluster to users.
> However, we don't want to let
> each user use the same s3 bucket as filesystem to store checkpoints. So,
> we want to know if is it
> feasible to let users provide their checkpoint path and corresponding aws
> key to access their own
> s3 bucket?
> If not, could you show me why it doesn't work currently? And, is it
> possible to become a new
> feature?
> Thanks in advance for your help.
> Best,
> Tony Wei

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