
Yes, sure. Just use CEP on top of KeyedStream. Take a look at `keyBy`:



> On 23 Nov 2018, at 16:04, Spico Florin <spicoflo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello!
> I'm using Flink 1.4.2 and I would like to use a group by operator based on 
> value of my event stream. The functionality that I would like to achieve is 
> similar to the following Esper EPL
> (excerpt 
> http://esper.espertech.com/release-5.2.0/esper-reference/html/epl_clauses.html#epl-grouping-aggregating
> <http://esper.espertech.com/release-5.2.0/esper-reference/html/epl_clauses.html#epl-grouping-aggregating>)
> select symbol, tickDataFeed, median(volume) 
> from StockTickEvent.win:time(30 sec) 
> group by symbol, tickDataFeed
>  <>
> So, does the Flick CEP  support such a group by functionality? 
> If yes what is syntax?
> I look forward for your answers.
> Best regards,
>  Florin 
> (excerpt 
> http://esper.espertech.com/release-5.2.0/esper-reference/html/epl_clauses.html#epl-grouping-aggregating
> <http://esper.espertech.com/release-5.2.0/esper-reference/html/epl_clauses.html#epl-grouping-aggregating>)
> "You can list more then one expression in the group by clause to nest groups. 
> Once the sets are established with group by the aggregation functions are 
> applied. This statement posts the median volume for all stock tick events in 
> the last 30 seconds per symbol and tick data feed. Esper posts one event for 
> each group to statement listeners:
> In the statement above the event properties in the select list (symbol, 
> tickDataFeed) are also listed in the group by clause. The statement thus 
> follows the SQL standard which prescribes that non-aggregated event 
> properties in the select list must match the group by columns."

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