
In flink 1.3, I was able to make a clean stop of a HA streaming application 
just by ending the source “run()” method (with an ending condition).

I try to update my code to flink 1.6.2, but that is no longer working.

Even if there are no sources and no item to process, the cluster continue its 
execution forever, with an infinite number of such messages:

Checkpoint triggering task Source: Custom Source (1/2) of job 
3b286f5344c50f0e466bb8ee79a2bb69 is not in state RUNNING but SCHEDULED instead. 
Aborting checkpoint.

Why has this behavior changed? How am I supposed to stop a streaming execution 
from its own code now? Is https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-2111 of 
any use?




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