The release process for 1.6.2 is currently ongoing and will hopefully be
finished within the next days.
In the mean-time you could use 1.6.2-rc1 artifacts:
On 25.10.2018 12:36, Mikhail Pryakhin wrote:
Hi all,
I’ve realised that the feature I requested information about hasn’t
been released yet.
Could you please reveal when approximately the release-1.6.2-rc1
<> is
going to be rolled out?
Thank you.
Kind Regards,
Mike Pryakhin
On 24 Oct 2018, at 16:12, Mikhail Pryakhin <
<>> wrote:
Hi guys,
I'm trying to substitute Zookeeper-based HA registry with YARN-based
HA registry. (The idea was taken from the issue
In Flink 1.6.1, there exists an
which claims to be tailored towards YRN deployment mode. I've looked
through org.apache.flink.configuration.HighAvailabilityOptions in
order to figure out how to enable YARN-based HA registry but haven't
found anything about it. The Flink documentation mentions nothing
about it either.
Do I miss something? Is there a way to use this exact registry for
YARN deployments?
Thank you in advance.
Kind Regards,
Mike Pryakhin