Hi, It seems that your codes are right. Are you sure that you’re using the same Serializer as the Flink program do? Could you show the serializer in descriptor?
Jiayi Liao, Best Original Message Sender:Jayant ametawittyam...@gmail.com Recipient:useru...@flink.apache.org Date:Thursday, Oct 25, 2018 14:17 Subject:Queryable state when key is UUID - getting Kyro Exception I get Kyro exception when querying the state. Key: UUID MapStateUUID, String Client code snippet: CompletableFutureMapStateUUID, String resultFuture = client.getKvState(JobID.fromHexString("c7b8af14b8afacf4fac16cdd0da7e997"), "rule", UUID.fromString("3b3f17a0-d81a-11e8-bb91-7fd1412de84d"), TypeInformation.of(new TypeHintUUID() {}), descriptor); MapStateUUID, String mapState = resultFuture.get(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS); Any better way to query it? Jayant Ameta