Thanks Tzu-Li for redirecting.
Would also like to be corrected if my any inference from the code is
incorrect or incomplete.
I am sure it will help to clear doubts of more developers like me  :)
Thanks in advance.


On Wed, Oct 24, 2018 at 9:19 PM Tzu-Li (Gordon) Tai <>

> Hi,
> I’m forwarding this question to Stefan (cc’ed).
> He would most likely be able to answer your question, as he has done
> substantial work in the RocksDB state backends.
> Cheers,
> Gordon
> On 24 October 2018 at 8:47:24 PM, chandan prakash (
> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am new to Flink.
> Was looking into the code to understand how Flink does FullSnapshot and
> Incremental Snapshot using RocksDB
> What I understood:
> 1. *For full snapshot, we call RocksDb snapshot api* which basically an
> iterator handle to the entries in RocksDB instance. We iterate over every
> entry one by one and serialize that to some distributed file system.
> Similarly in restore for fullSnapshot, we read the file to get every entry
> and apply that to the rocksDb instance one by one to fully construct the db
> instance.
> 2. On the other hand in *for Incremental Snapshot, we rely on RocksDB
> Checkpoint api* to copy the sst files to HDFS/S3 incrementally.
> Similarly on restore, we copy the sst files to local directory and
> instantiate rocksDB instance with the path of the directory.
> *My Question is:*
> 1. Why did we took 2 different approaches using different RocksDB apis ?
> We could have used Checkpoint api of RocksDB for fullSnapshot as well .
> 2. Is there any specific reason to use *Snapshot API of rocksDB*  over 
> *Checkpoint
> api of RocksDB* for *fullSnapshot*?
> I am sure, I am missing some important point, really curious to know that.
> Any explanation will be really great. Thanks in advance.
> Regards,
> Chandan
> --
> Chandan Prakash

Chandan Prakash

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