
It seems that You have written Async function that takes *String* and
returns *String*. But in execution you expect the result of the function to
be the tuple (*String, String).*  That's where the mismatch occurs, the
function itself is ok :)
If you will change *DataStream[(String,String)] *to *Datastream[String]* it
should work smoothly.

Best Regards,

pt., 12 paź 2018 o 16:26 Krishna Kalyan <krishna.kal...@zoi.de> napisał(a):

> Thanks for the quick reply Dom,
> I am using flink 1.6.1.
> [image: image.png]
> Error: Type Mismatch expected AsyncFunction actual AsyncWeatherAPIRequest
> On Fri, 12 Oct 2018 at 16:21, Dominik Wosiński <wos...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hey,
>> What is the exact issue that you are facing and the Flink version that
>> you are using ??
>> Best Regards,
>> Dom.
>> pt., 12 paź 2018 o 16:11 Krishna Kalyan <krishna.kal...@zoi.de>
>> napisał(a):
>>> Hello All,
>>> I need some help making async API calls. I have tried the following code
>>> below.
>>> class AsyncWeatherAPIRequest extends AsyncFunction[String, String] {
>>>   override def asyncInvoke(input: String, resultFuture:
>>> ResultFuture[String]): Unit = {
>>>     val query = url("<External API URL>")
>>>     val response = Http.default(query OK as.String)
>>>     resultFuture.complete(Collections.singleton(response()))
>>>   }
>>> }
>>> The code below leads to a compilation issue while calling the
>>> AsyncDataStream api.
>>>     val resultStream: DataStream[(String, String)] =
>>>       AsyncDataStream.unorderedWait(userData, new
>>> AsyncWeatherAPIRequest(), 1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, 1)
>>> I would really appreciate some examples in scala to make an external API
>>> call with datastreams.
>>> Regards,
>>> Krishna
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> --
> Krishna Kalyan
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