Hi Anand,

I think that Till is the best person to answer your question.

> On Oct 5, 2018, at 3:44 PM, anand.gopin...@ubs.com wrote:
> Hi , 
> I had a question with respect flink memory management / overspill to /tmp.
> In the docs 
> (https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-release-1.6/ops/config.html#configuring-temporary-io-directories
> <https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-release-1.6/ops/config.html#configuring-temporary-io-directories>)
>  it says: Although Flink aims to process as much data in main memory as 
> possible, it is not uncommon that more data needs to be processed than memory 
> is available. Flinkā€™s runtime is designed to write temporary data to disk to 
> handle these situations....
> In a  flink job  that processes a couple streams of 1M events in a  windowed 
> co group function with parallelism 8 - we see 8 dirs created in /tmp with 
> 100s of Meg of data, the name of each dir seems aligned to the data for each 
> parallel thread windowing against the co-group  operator 
> e.g.
> bash-4.2$ du -sh *
> 0       flink-dist-cache-a4a69215-665a-4c3c-8d90-416cbe192f26
> 352M    flink-io-9033517c-ac92-4baa-9e59-79bc80c72a9e
> 4.0K    localState
> 7.2M    rocksdb-lib-03d9460b15e6bf6af4f3d9b0ff7980c3
> bash-4.2$ du -sh flink-io-9033517c-ac92-4baa-9e59-79bc80c72a9e/*
> ...
> 36M     
> flink-io-9033517c-ac92-4baa-9e59-79bc80c72a9e/job_cf2dca7843dd6b6296aa1a9d15a1d435_op_WindowOperator_014556c228cb5344d41861769d2bbbc1__1_8__uuid_93307150-4f62-4b06-a71e-0230360f7d86
> 36M     
> flink-io-9033517c-ac92-4baa-9e59-79bc80c72a9e/job_cf2dca7843dd6b6296aa1a9d15a1d435_op_WindowOperator_014556c228cb5344d41861769d2bbbc1__2_8__uuid_7b2f8957-7044-4bb3-869e-28843bd737a1
> 36M     
> flink-io-9033517c-ac92-4baa-9e59-79bc80c72a9e/job_cf2dca7843dd6b6296aa1a9d15a1d435_op_WindowOperator_014556c228cb5344d41861769d2bbbc1__3_8__uuid_54306a44-7e06-45ae-ba0e-4649887bca7e
> ...
> I was wondering can / should this 'over spill' be avoided by increasing the 
> heap of the task manager or another config or should I not worry about it?
> Is there more information/docs on how this data is used/ cleaned up & what is 
> the cost of this overspill to latency/ checkpointing? Any impact I should be 
> aware of?
> thanks 
> Anand
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