Does your job perform a keyBy or broadcast that would result in data from different partitions being distributed among tasks? If so, then that would be the cause.
On Thu, Oct 4, 2018 at 12:58 PM Andrew Kowpak <> wrote: > Hi all, > > I apologize if this has been discussed to death in the past, but, I'm > finding myself very confused, and google is not proving helpful. > > Based on the documentation, I understand that if there are idle partitions > in a kafka stream, watermarks will not advance for the entire application. > I was hoping that by setting parallelism = the number of partitions that I > would be able to work around the issue, but, this didn't work. I'm totally > willing to accept the fact that if I have idle partitions, my windowed > partitions won't work, however, I would really like to understand why > setting the parallelism didn't work. If someone can explain, or perhaps > point me to documentation or code, it would be very much appreciated. > > Thanks. > > -- > *Andrew Kowpak P.Eng* *Sr. Software Engineer* > (519) 489 2688 | SSIMWAVE Inc. > 402-140 Columbia Street West, Waterloo ON >