Hi Johannes,

I am afraid that this is currently not possible and indeed you have to
pass all fields again, but Timo cced might want to correct me if I am wrong.



On 04/10/18 15:08, Johannes Schulte wrote:
> Hi,
> when converting a DataStream (with Watermarks) to a table like
> described here
> https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-release-1.6/dev/table/streaming.html#event-time
> I wonder on how to use the rowtime in a following window operation
> _without_ explicitly specifying all field names and hence rely on case
> class type inference.
> Currently when operating on a stream of events 
> case class Event(field1: String, ts: long)
> val ds: DataStream[Event] = ...
> I have to do 
> tableEnv.fromDataStream(ds, 'field1, 'ts, 'myRowtime.rowtime) 
> to do
> .window(Tumble over 1.hours on 'myRowtime  as 'w)
> afterwards. Is there a way to create the TimeAttribute column without
> specifiying all fields again?
> Thanks for yout help,
> Johannes

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