Hi Henry,

There are three ways I can think of:

1) use DataStream API, implement a flatmap UDF to access dimension table;
2) use table/sql API, implement a UDTF to access dimension table;
3) customize the table/sql join API/statement's implementation (and change
the physical plan)

Thanks, vino.

徐涛 <happydexu...@gmail.com> 于2018年9月21日周五 下午4:43写道:

> Hi All,
>         Sometimes some “dimension table” need to be joined from the "fact
> table", if data are not joined before sent to Kafka.
>         So if the data are joined in Flink, does the “dimension table”
> have to be import as a stream, or there are some other ways can achieve it?
>         Thanks a lot!
> Best
> Henry

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