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> Hi,
> My team and I try to measure total time spent on our flink job and found
> out that Flink takes 40ms ~ 100ms to proceed from one operator to another.
> I wonder how can we reduce this transition time.
> Following DAG represents our job:

> and here is the screenshot of our log:

> at 19:37:04.564, the job is leaving "Source: Custom Source -> Flat Map"
> at 19:37:04.605, the job is entering "Co-Flat Map"
> at 19:37:04.605, the job is leaving "Co-Flat Map"
> at 19:37:04.705, the job is entering "Co-Flat Map -> ...."
> at 19:37:04.708, the job is leaving "Co-Flat Map -> ..."
> both "Co-Flat Map" finishes merely instantly, while most of the execution
> time is spent on the transition. Any idea?
> This is a UTF-8 formatted mail
> -----------------------------------------------
> James C.-C.Yu
> +886988713275
> +8615618429976

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