Hi Martin,

Till has done most of the work of Flink on Mesos. Ping Till for you.

Thanks, vino.

Martin Eden <martineden...@gmail.com> 于2018年9月12日周三 下午11:21写道:

> Hi all,
> We're using Flink 1.3.2 with DCOS / Mesos.
> We have a 3 node cluster and are running the Flink DCOS package (Flink
> Mesos framework) configured with 3 Task Managers.
> Our goal is to run each of them on separate hosts for better load
> balancing but it seems the task managers end up running on the same host.
> Looked around the docs and DCOS Flink package but could not find any
> placement policy or anything of the sorts.
> Is there anything like that?
> We are also planning to upgrade to the latest Flink version. Is something
> like that supported in this newer version?
> Thanks,
> M

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