Hi Joe,

it looks as if the queryable state server binds to the local loopback
address. This looks like a bug to me. Could you maybe share the complete
cluster entrypoint and the task manager logs with me?

In the meantime you could try to do the following: Change
AbstractServerBase.java:227 into `.localAddress(port)`. This should bind to
any local address. Now you need to build your own Flink distribution by
running `mvn clean package -DskipTests` and then go to either build-target
or flink-dist/target/flink-1.7-SNAPSHOT-bin/flink-1.7-SNAPSHOT to find the


On Thu, Aug 30, 2018 at 12:12 AM Joe Olson <jo143...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm having a problem with querying state on Flink 1.6.
> I put a project in Github that is my best representation of the very
> simple client example outlined in the 'querying state' section of the 1.6
> documentation at
> https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-stable/dev/stream/state/queryable_state.html
> . The Github project is at https://github.com/jolson787/qs
> My problem: I know the query server and proxy server have started on my 1
> job manager / 1 task manager Flink 1.6 test rig, because I see the 'Started
> Queryable State Server' and 'Started Queryable State Proxy Server' in the
> task manager logs. I know the ports are open on the local machine, because
> I can telnet to them.
> From a remote machine, I implemented the QueryableStateClient as in the
> example, and made a getKVState call. Nothing I seem to do between that or
> the getKVstate call seems to register...no response, no errors thrown, no
> lines in the log, no returned futures, no timeouts, etc. I know the proxy
> server and state server ports are NOT open to the remote machine, yet the
> client still doesn't seem to react.
> Can someone take a quick look at my very simple Github project and see if
> anything jumps out at them? Beer is on me at Flink Forward if someone can
> help me work through this....

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