Thanks. For the explanation – I was suspected it might be like this and I 
wanted to double check before building inconsistent programs ☺)

Would it be interesting for the community to have also something that would 
also be able to share/broadcast items from one task to the other tasks. Spark 
for example has this as the broadcast behavior, and it can be useful for 
different algorithms and applications. For example if one build a clustering 
algorithm running in parallel, then you can have a task updating the cluster 
centroids, that would advertise to the others afterwards (just one of the 
I am thinking we can achieve this using a combination of the broadcast stream 
and the iterative operators. Basically if a task makes an update to the state, 
this value should be push back (upstream) such that afterwards it can be 
broadcasted to all the task using it.

Let me know what you think..

Dr. Radu Tudoran
Staff Research Engineer - Big Data Expert
IT R&D Division

German Research Center
Munich Office
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Geschäftsführer: Bo PENG, Qiuen Peng, Shengli Wang
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From: Fabian Hueske []
Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2018 9:53 AM
To: Xingcan Cui <<>>
Cc: Radu Tudoran <<>>; 
user <<>>
Subject: Re: What's the advantage of using BroadcastState?


Xingcan is right. There is no hidden state synchronization happening.
You have to ensure that the broadcast state is the same at every parallel 
instance. Hence, it should only be modified by the processBroadcastElement() 
method that receives the same broadcasted elements on all task instance.
The API tries to help users to not violate the contract, however it is not 
bullet proof. Side-passing information in a local variable (as suggested by 
you) cannot be prevented and would lead to inconsistencies.

Best, Fabian

Am Mo., 27. Aug. 2018 um 16:51 Uhr schrieb Xingcan Cui 
Hi Radu,

I cannot make a full understanding of your question but I guess the answer is 

The broadcast state pattern just provides you with an automatic data 
broadcasting and a bunch of map states to cache the "low-throughput” patterns. 
Also, to keep consistency, it forbid the `processElement()` to modify the 
states. But this API does not really broadcast the states. You should keep the 
logic for `processBraodcastElement()` deterministic. Maybe the equation below 
could make the pattern clear.

<identical input> + <deterministic logic> = <identical states> = <broadcast 


On Aug 27, 2018, at 10:23 PM, Radu Tudoran 
<<>> wrote:

Hi Fabian,

Thanks for the blog post about broadcast state. I have a question with respect 
to the update capabilities of the broadcast state:

Assume you do whatever processing logic in the main processElement function .. 
and at a given context marker you 1) would change a local field marker, to 2) 
signal that next time the broadcast function is triggered a special pattern 
should be created and broadcasted.

My question is: is such a behavior allowed? Would the new special Pattern that 
originates in an operator be shared across the other instances of the 

public static class PatternEvaluator
 extends KeyedBroadcastProcessFunction<Long, Action, Pattern, Tuple2<Long, 
Pattern>> {
public bolean test = false;

  public void processElement(
     Action action,
     ReadOnlyContext ctx,
     Collector<Tuple2<Long, Pattern>> out) throws Exception {


   if (..whatever context) {
      Test = true;

 public void processBroadcastElement(
     Pattern pattern,
     Context ctx,
     Collector<Tuple2<Long, Pattern>> out) throws Exception {
   // store the new pattern by updating the broadcast state

 BroadcastState<Void, Pattern> bcState =
     ctx.getBroadcastState(new MapStateDescriptor<>("patterns", Types.VOID, 
   // storing in MapState with null as VOID default value
   bcState.put(null, pattern);
   If (test) {
       bcState.put(null, new Pattern(test) );


Dr. Radu Tudoran
Staff Research Engineer - Big Data Expert
IT R&D Division

German Research Center
Munich Office
Riesstrasse 25, 80992 München

Mobile: +49 15209084330
Telephone: +49 891588344173

Hansaallee 205, 40549 Düsseldorf, Germany,<>
Registered Office: Düsseldorf, Register Court Düsseldorf, HRB 56063,
Managing Director: Bo PENG, Qiuen Peng, Shengli Wang
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Düsseldorf, Amtsgericht Düsseldorf, HRB 56063,
Geschäftsführer: Bo PENG, Qiuen Peng, Shengli Wang
This e-mail and its attachments contain confidential information from HUAWEI, 
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persons other than the intended recipient(s) is prohibited. If you receive this 
e-mail in error, please notify the sender by phone or email immediately and 
delete it!

From: Fabian Hueske []
Sent: Monday, August 20, 2018 9:40 AM
To: Paul Lam <<>>
Cc: Rong Rong <<>>; Hequn Cheng 
<<>>; user 
Subject: Re: What's the advantage of using BroadcastState?


I've recently published a blog post about Broadcast State [1].



2018-08-20 3:58 GMT+02:00 Paul Lam 
Hi Rong, Hequn

Your answers are very helpful! Thank you!

Best Regards,
Paul Lam

在 2018年8月19日,23:30,Rong Rong <<>> 

Hi Paul,

To add to Hequn's answer. Broadcast state can typically be used as "a 
low-throughput stream containing a set of rules which we want to evaluate 
against all elements coming from another stream" [1]
So to add to the difference list is: whether it is "broadcast" across all keys 
if processing a keyed stream. This is typically when it is not possible to 
derive same key field using KeySelector in CoStream.
Another additional difference is performance: BroadcastStream is "stored 
locally and is used to process all incoming elements on the other stream" thus 
requires to carefully manage the size of the BroadcastStream.


On Sun, Aug 19, 2018 at 1:40 AM Hequn Cheng 
<<>> wrote:
Hi Paul,

There are some differences:
1. The BroadcastStream can broadcast data for you, i.e, data will be 
broadcasted to all downstream tasks automatically.
2. To guarantee that the contents in the Broadcast State are the same across 
all parallel instances of our operator, read-write access is only given to the 
broadcast side
3. For BroadcastState, flink guarantees that upon restoring/rescaling there 
will be no duplicates and no missing data. In case of recovery with the same or 
smaller parallelism, each task reads its checkpointed state. Upon scaling up, 
each task reads its own state, and the remaining tasks (p_new-p_old) read 
checkpoints of previous tasks in a round-robin manner. While MapState doesn't 
have such abilities.

Best, Hequn

On Sun, Aug 19, 2018 at 11:18 AM, Paul Lam 
<<>> wrote:

AFAIK, the difference between a BroadcastStream and a normal DataStream is that 
the BroadcastStream is with a BroadcastState, but it seems that the 
functionality of BroadcastState can also be achieved by MapState in a 
CoMapFunction or something since the control stream is still broadcasted 
without being turned into BroadcastStream. So, I’m wondering what’s the 
advantage of using BroadcastState? Thanks a lot!

Best Regards,
Paul Lam

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