You don't need RichFunctions for that, you should be able to just do:

private static final ObjectMapper objectMapper =
new ObjectMapper().registerModule(new JavaTimeModule());

On 27.08.2018 10:28, Dominik Wosiński wrote:
Hey Paul,
Yeah that is possible, but I was asking in terms of serialization schema. So I would really want to avoid RichFunction :)

Best Regards,

pon., 27 sie 2018 o 10:23 Chesnay Schepler < <>> napisał(a):

    The null check in the method is the general-purpose way of solving it.
    If the ObjectMapper is thread-safe you could also initialize it as
    a static field.

    On 26.08.2018 17:58, Dominik Wosiński wrote:

    I was wondering how do You normally deal with fields that contain
    references that are not serializable. Say, we have a custom
    serialization schema in Java that needs to serialize
    /LocalDateTime/ field with /ObjectMapper./ This requires
    registering specific module for /ObjectMapper/ and this makes it
    not serializable (module contains some references to classes that
    are not serializable).
    Now, if You would initialize /ObjectMapper /directly in the field
    this will cause an exception when deploying the job.

    Normally I would do :
    @Override public byte[]serialize(Backup backupMessage) {
         if(objectMapper ==null) {
             objectMapper =new ObjectMapper().registerModule(new 
JavaTimeModule()); }
    But I was wondering whether do You have any prettier option of
    doing this?


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