Hi All, I am using flink 1.6 to generate some realtime programs. I want to write the output to table sink, the code is as below. At first I use append table sink, which error message tells me that I should use upsert table sink, so I write one. But still another error “Caused by: org.apache.flink.table.api.TableException: UpsertStreamTableSink requires that Table has a full primary keys if it is updated.” comes out,which blocks me. My questions is how to modify a table keys in this scenario? I also check the exception stack, and found that the system infer the keys field by val tableKeys: Option[Array[String]] = UpdatingPlanChecker.getUniqueKeyFields(optimizedPlan), I wonder how to make the function return value ? Thanks a lot !!! var praise = tableEnv.sqlQuery(s"SELECT article_id,hll(uid) as PU FROM praise GROUP BY HOP(updated_time, INTERVAL '1' MINUTE,INTERVAL '3' DAY),article_id" ) tableEnv.registerTable("praiseAggr", praise)
var comment = tableEnv.sqlQuery(s"SELECT article_id,hll(from_uid) as CU FROM comment GROUP BY HOP(updated_time, INTERVAL '1' MINUTE,INTERVAL '3' DAY),article_id" ) tableEnv.registerTable("commentAggr", comment) var reader = tableEnv.sqlQuery(s"SELECT article_id,hll(uid) as RU FROM reader GROUP BY HOP(updated_time, INTERVAL '1' MINUTE,INTERVAL '3' DAY),article_id" ) tableEnv.registerTable("readerAggr", reader) var finalTable = tableEnv.sqlUpdate(s"insert into "+ sinkTableName + " " + " SELECT p.article_id,p.PU,c.CU,r.RU from praiseAggr p FULL OUTER JOIN commentAggr c on p.article_id=c.article_id FULL OUTER JOIN readerAggr r on c.article_id=r.article_id") Thank, Henry Xu