Hi Matt,

Flink is currently enhancing its security, such as the current data
transmission can be configured with SSL mode[1].
However, some problems involving configuration and web ui display do exist,
and they are still displayed in plain text.
I think a temporary way to do this is to keep your secret configuration in
encrypted form elsewhere, such as Zookeeper or RDBMS, and then dynamically
read it into the job in a UDF (in the open method).


Thanks, vino.

Matt Moore <m...@mattdoescode.com> 于2018年8月9日周四 上午1:54写道:

> I'm wondering what the best practice is for using secrets in a Flink
> program, and I can't find any info in the docs or posted anywhere else.
> I need to store an access token to one of my APIs for flink to use to dump
> results into, and right now I'm passing it through as a configuration
> parameter, but that doesn't seem like the most secure thing to do and the
> value shows up in the Flink Dashboard under Configuration which is less
> than ideal.
> Has anyone else dealt with a situation like this?
> Thanks,

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