
Our current watermark model is "some time behind the most recent seen
element" (very close to what the docs have in "Periodic Watermark"
It fits our current processing model.

The thing is, we want to extract information about elements appearing
behind the watermark, to give some insight when we need to update the
amount of time behind the most seen element we need. The problem is, I
can't create any metrics inside the AssignerWithPeriodicWatermarks 'cause
it has no `getRuntime()` to attach the metric.

Is there any way we can count those (a ProcessFunction before the
.assignTimestampsAndWatermarks(), maybe)?

*Julio Biason*, Sofware Engineer
*AZION*  |  Deliver. Accelerate. Protect.
Office: +55 51 3083 8101 <callto:+555130838101>  |  Mobile: +55 51
<callto:+5551996209291>*99907 0554*

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