Generally speaking no, the DIspatcher (here called
StandaloneSessionClusterEntrypoint) will spawn a jobmanager internally
when a job is submitted
On 11.07.2018 16:42, Will Du wrote:
In this case, do i need to add a jobManager
On Jul 11, 2018, at 10:14 AM, miki haiat <
<>> wrote:
Flink 6 changed the execution model compactly
On Wed, Jul 11, 2018 at 5:09 PM Will Du <
<>> wrote:
Hi folks
Do we have any information about the process changes after
v1.5.0? I used to see jobManager and TaskManager process once the is being called. But, it shows below in v1.5.0
once started. Everything works, but no idea where is the jobManager.
2523 TaskManagerRunner
2190 StandaloneSessionClusterEntrypoint