Hi, You can do that but it does not makes sense in general. But you can do that 
by flink, storm, spark streaming or structured streaming.  And make a compare 
the latency under different framework.


> 在 2018年6月26日,下午9:36,antonio saldivar <ansal...@gmail.com> 写道:
> Hello Thank you for the feedback,
> Well for now I just Want to measure the time that takes form Source to Sink 
> each transaction add the start and end time in mills
> El mar., 26 jun. 2018 a las 5:19, zhangminglei (<18717838...@163.com 
> <mailto:18717838...@163.com>>) escribió:
> Hi,Antonio
> Usually, the measurement of delay is for specific business I think it is more 
> reasonable. What I understand of latency from my experience is data 
> preparation time plus query calculation time. It is like an end to end 
> latency test. Hopes this can help you. Not point to the latency of flink
> Cheers
> Minglei
> > 在 2018年6月26日,上午5:23,antonio saldivar <ansal...@gmail.com 
> > <mailto:ansal...@gmail.com>> 写道:
> > 
> > Hello
> > 
> > I am trying to measure the latency of each transaction traveling across the 
> > system as a DataSource I have a Kafka consumer and I would like to measure 
> > the time that takes from the Source to Sink. Does any one has an example?.
> > 
> > Thank you
> > Best Regards

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