Is there a simple way to output the first few rows of a Flink table to stdout when developing an application? I just want to see the first 10-20 rows on screen during development to make sure my logic is correct. There doesnt seem to be something like print(10) in the API to see the first n rows Here is simple sample program, but I am writing to a CSV table sink for testing right now.
// Get Customers String customersPath = "input/customers.csv"; // id,first_name,last_name,email,address,city,state,zip CsvTableSource customersTableSource = CsvTableSource.builder() .path(customersPath) .ignoreFirstLine() .fieldDelimiter(",") .field("id", Types.INT()) .field("first_name", Types.STRING()) .field("last_name", Types.STRING()) .field("email", Types.STRING()) .field("address", Types.STRING()) .field("city", Types.STRING()) .field("state", Types.STRING()) .field("zip", Types.STRING()) .build(); // Register our table source tableEnv.registerTableSource("customers", customersTableSource); Table customers = tableEnv.scan("customers"); // Perform Operations // SELECT id,last_name // FROM customers Table projection1 = customers .select("id,last_name") .filter("last_name !== 'foobar'"); // Write to Sinks int parallelism = 1; TableSink<Row> sink = new CsvTableSink("output/customers_out.csv", ",", parallelism, WriteMode.OVERWRITE); projection1.writeToSink(sink); -- Sent from: