In 1.5 we reworked the job-submission to go through the REST API instead of akka.

I believe the jobmanager rpc port shouldn't be necessary anymore, the rpc address is still /required /due to some technical implementations; it may be that you can set this to some arbitrary value however.

As a result the REST API (i.e. the web server) must be running in order to submit jobs.

On 19.06.2018 14:12, Sampath Bhat wrote:

I'm using Flink 1.5.0 version and Flink CLI to submit jar to flink cluster.

In flink 1.4.2 only job manager rpc address and job manager rpc port were sufficient for flink client to connect to job manager and submit the job.

But in flink 1.5.0 the flink client additionally requires the rest.address and rest.port for submitting the job to job manager. What is the advantage of this new method over the 1.4.2 method of submitting job?

Moreover if we make rest.port = -1 the web server will not be instantiated then how should we submit the job?


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