
Do I understand you correctly, that you just want to have a three different 
sliding windows (for 3 rules) with duration of 10, 20 and 30 minutes? If so, I 
haven’t tested it but I would guess that there are at least two solutions for 
the problem:

1. just create three different sliding windows on top of the same stream 
(possibly later join/union stream)
2. create sliding window (60 minutes, 10 minutes) and provide custom 
ReduceFunction/ProcessFunction that splits the records internally into separate 
aggregations windows. Your reduce function would have a 6 aggregates for 10 
minutes intervals for rule1, 3 aggregates for 20 minute intervals and 2 
aggregates for 30 minute intervals.


> On 8 Jun 2018, at 21:10, Antonio Saldivar Lezama <ansal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello
> I am wondering if it is possible to process the following scenario, to store 
> all events by event time in a general window and process elements from a 
> smaller time Frame
> 1.-  Store elements in a General SlidingWindow (60 mins, 10 mins)
>       - Rule 1 -> gets 10 mins elements from the general window and get 
> aggregations
>       - Rule 2 -> gets 20 mins elements from the general window and get 
> aggregations
>       - Rule 3 -> gets 30 mins elements from the general window and get 
> aggregations
> 2.- send results 
> Thank you
> Regards

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