
What kind of messages are those “logs about S3 operations”? Did you try to 
google search them? Maybe it’s a known S3 issue?

Another approach is please use some heap space analyser from which you can 
backtrack classes that are referencing those “memory leaks” and again try to 
google any known memory issues.

It also could just mean, that it’s not a memory leak, but you just need to 
allocate more heap space for your JVM (and memory consumption will stabilise at 
some point).


> On 8 Jun 2018, at 18:32, Fabian Wollert <fab...@zalando.de> wrote:
> Hi, in this email thread 
> <http://apache-flink-user-mailing-list-archive.2336050.n4.nabble.com/Flink-and-AWS-S3-integration-java-lang-NullPointerException-null-uri-host-td20413.html>
>  here, i tried to set up S3 as a filesystem backend for checkpoints. Now 
> everything is working (Flink V1.5.0), but the JobMaster is accumulating Heap 
> space, with eventually killing itself with HeapSpace OOM after several hours. 
> If I don't enable Checkpointing, then everything is fine. I'm using the Flink 
> S3 Shaded Libs (tried both the Hadoop and the Presto lib, no difference in 
> this regard) from the tutorial. my checkpoint settings are this (job level):
> env.enableCheckpointing(1000);
> env.getCheckpointConfig().setCheckpointingMode(CheckpointingMode.EXACTLY_ONCE);
> env.getCheckpointConfig().setMinPauseBetweenCheckpoints(5000);
> env.getCheckpointConfig().setCheckpointTimeout(60000);
> env.getCheckpointConfig().setMaxConcurrentCheckpoints(1);
> Another clue why i suspect the S3 Checkpointing is that the heapspace dump 
> contains a lot of char[] objects with some logs about S3 operations.
> anyone has an idea where to look further on this?
> Cheers
> --
> Fabian Wollert
> Zalando SE
> E-Mail: fabian.woll...@zalando.de
>  <mailto:fabian.woll...@zalando.de>
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> 10243 Berlin
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