Hi Esa,

I think having more than one env.execute() is anti-pattern in Flink.

env.execute() behaves differently depending on the env. For local, it will
generate the flink job graph, and start a local mini cluster in background
to run the job graph directly.
For remote case, it will generate the flink job graph and submit it to a
remote cluster, e.g. running on YARN/Mesos, the local process might stay
attached or detach to the job on the remote cluster given options. So it's
not a simple "unstoppable forever loop", and I dont think the "stop
env.execute() and then do something and after that restart it" will work in

But I think you can take a look at savepoints [1] and checkpoints [2] in
Flink. With savepoints, you can stop the running job, and do something
else, and restart from the savepoints to resume the processing.



On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 3:56 AM, Esa Heikkinen <esa.heikki...@student.tut.fi
> wrote:

> Hi
> Are there only one env.execute() in application ?
> Is it unstoppable forever loop ?
> Or can I stop env.execute() and then do something and after that restart
> it ?
> Best, Esa
> *From:* Fabian Hueske <fhue...@gmail.com>
> *Sent:* Tuesday, May 29, 2018 1:35 PM
> *To:* Esa Heikkinen <esa.heikki...@student.tut.fi>
> *Cc:* user@flink.apache.org
> *Subject:* Re: env.execute() ?
> Hi,
> It is mandatory for all DataStream programs and most DataSet programs.
> Exceptions are ExecutionEnvironment.print() and
> ExecutionEnvironment.collect().
> Both methods are defined on the DataSet ExecutionEnvironment and call
> execute() internally.
> Best, Fabian
> 2018-05-29 12:31 GMT+02:00 Esa Heikkinen <esa.heikki...@student.tut.fi>:
> Hi
> Is it env.execute() mandatory at the end of application ? It is possible
> to run the application without it ?
> I found some examples where it is missing.
> Best, Esa

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