Hi Alex,

StreamingExecutionEnvironment#readFile is a helper function to create
file reader data streaming source. It uses
ContinuousFileReaderOperator and ContinuousFileMonitoringFunction

As both file reader operator and monitoring function uses
checkpointing so is readFile [1], you can go with first approach.



On Mon, May 21, 2018 at 9:39 PM, NEKRASSOV, ALEXEI <an4...@att.com> wrote:
> I want to add checkpointing to my program that reads from a set of files in
> a directory. Without checkpointing I use readFile():
>               DataStream<String> text = env.readFile(
>                            new TextInputFormat(new Path(inputPath)),
>                            inputPath,
>                           inputProcessingMode,
>                           1000);
> Should I use ContinuousFileMonitoringFunction / ContinuousFileReaderOperator
> to add checkpointing? Or is there an easier way?
> How do I go from splits (that ContinuousFileMonitoringFunction provides) to
> actual strings? I’m not clear how ContinuousFileReaderOperator can be used.
>               DataStreamSource<TimestampedFileInputSplit> split =
> env.addSource(
>                            new ContinuousFileMonitoringFunction<String>(
>                                          new TextInputFormat(new
> Path(inputPath)),
>                                          inputProcessingMode,
>                                          1,
>                                          1000)
>               );
> Thanks,
> Alex

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