now i know why those files wasn't "remove". They remove but very slow.
In my case(Flink 1.3) the problem is in line
client.delete().inBackground(backgroundCallback, executor).forPath(path);
where deletion is in background in executor pool where size is equal to
2. When i have more files/dirs in "high-availability.storageDir" and
then delete operation are longer and longer and queued operation in pool
are increase. In my case the main problem is that i have 12 job deployed
on cluster and checkpoint is set for 5 seconds.
I know that i need to increase timeout between checkpoints, i will
increase to 1 or 5 minutes depends from job businesses logic.
But i still have some question. Where is set size of executor pool size
because i was analyzing the flink code and still don't know where the
size is set. Maybe someone can of users know where pool is created.
Best regards
On 22.04.2018 17:22, Szymon Szczypiński wrote:
the problem was started on 1.3.1. Now I upgraded to Flink 1.3.3.
I changed my cluster to 1.3.3 because of jira
I will check in debug mode why cluster doesn't remove those files,
maybe i will see why.
Best regards
On 22.04.2018 16:59, Stephan Ewen wrote:
Sorry for the late response... In which Flink version are you?
I am wondering if this is somewhat related to that specific setup:
Windows DFS filesystem mounted on Linux with CIFS
- For the "completedCheckpoint<SomeID>", the cleanup should happen
in the "ZooKeeperCompletedCheckpointStore" when dropping a checkpoint
- For the "state.backend.fs.checkpointdir/JobId/check-<INTEGER>"
directory, it should (in Flink 1.3 and 1.4) be the FileStateHandle
that deletes the parent directory when empty, meaning the last state
chunk to be deleted deletes the parent directory. In Flink 1.5, it is
the disposal call of the CheckpointStorageLocation.
On Sat, Apr 7, 2018 at 1:11 AM, Szymon Szczypiński <simo...@poczta.fm
<mailto:simo...@poczta.fm>> wrote:
in my case both doesn't deleted. In high-availability.storageDir
the number of files of type "completedCheckpoint<SomeID>" are
growing and also dirs in
In my case i have Windows DFS filesystem mounted on linux with
cifs protocol.
Can you give me a hint or description which process is
responsible for removing those files and directories.
Best regards
W dniu 2018-04-02 o 15:58, Stephan Ewen pisze:
Can you clarify which one does not get deleted? The file in the
"high-availability.storageDir", or the
"state.backend.fs.checkpointdir/JobId/check-<INTEGER>", or both?
Could you also tell us which file system you use?
There is a known issue in some versions of Flink that S3
"directories" are not deleted. This means that Hadoop's S3
marker files (the way that Hadoop's s3n and s3a imitate
directories in S3) are not deleted. This is fixed in Flink 1.5.
A workaround for Flink 1.4 is to use the "flink-s3-fs-presto",
which does not uses these marker files.
On Thu, Mar 29, 2018 at 8:49 PM, Szymon Szczypiński
<simo...@poczta.fm <mailto:simo...@poczta.fm>> wrote:
Thank you for your replay.
But my problem is not that Flink doesn't remove
files/directories after incorrect job cancellation. My
problem is different.
Precisely when everything is ok and job is in RUNNING state,
when checkpoint for job is done, then there is created file
in "high-availability.storageDir" with name
completedCheckpoint<SomeID> and also is created dir in
After the next checkpoint is completed, previous file and
dir are deleted, and this is ok, because i always have only
one checkpoint.
But in my case when next checkpoint is completed, the
previous is not deleted and this happens when job is in
running state.
My be you know why those files/dirs are not deleted.
Best regards
Szymon Szczypiński
On 29.03.2018 11:23, Stephan Ewen wrote:
Flink removes these files / directories only if you
properly cancel the job. If you kill the processes
(stop-cluster.sh) this looks like a failure, and Flink will
try to recover. The recovery always starts in ZooKeeper,
not in the DFS.
Best way to prevent this is to
- properly cancel jobs, not just kill processes
- use separate cluster IDs for the standalone clusters,
so that the new cluster knows that it is not supposed to
recover the previous jobs and checkpoints
On Wed, Mar 28, 2018 at 11:22 PM, Szymon Szczypiński
<simo...@poczta.fm <mailto:simo...@poczta.fm>> wrote:
i have problem with Flink in version 1.3.1.
I have standalone cluster with two JobManagers and four
TaskManager, as
DFS i use windows high available storage mounted by
cifs protocol.
And sometimes i'm starting having problem that Flink
doesn't remove
checkpoint dirs for job and completedCheckpoint files from
To bring back cluster to normal working i need to
remove all dirs from
DFS and start everything from beginning.
Maybe someone of Flink users had the same problem. For
now i doesn't
have any idea how to bring back cluster to normal work
without deleting
dirs from DFS.
I don't want to delete dirs from DFS because than i
need to redeploy
all jobs.
Best regards
Szymon Szczypiński