You can also merge all three types into an nary-Either type and union all
three inputs together.
However, Flink only supports a binary Either, so you'd have to implement a
custom TypeInformation and TypeSerializer to make that work.

Best, Fabian

2018-04-26 20:44 GMT+02:00 Chengzhi Zhao <>:

> Thanks Fabian for the explanation.
> If I have data with different schemas, it seems the only option I have is
> to use connect to perform joins (inner, outer), is there any operators that
> can put more than two streams together (all different schema)?
> Best,
> Chengzhi
> On Thu, Apr 26, 2018 at 6:05 AM, Fabian Hueske <> wrote:
>> Hi Chengzhi,
>> Functions in Flink are implemented in a way to preserve the timestamps of
>> elements or assign timestamps which are aligned with the existing
>> watermarks.
>> For example, the result of a time window aggregation has the end
>> timestamp of the window as a timestamp and records emitted by the onTimer()
>> method have the timestamp of the timer as a record timestamp.
>> So unless you fiddle with internal APIs to reset the record timestamps of
>> elements, you don't need to worry about generating new watermarks.
>> Best, Fabian
>> 2018-04-25 20:20 GMT+02:00 Chengzhi Zhao <>:
>>> Hi, everyone,
>>> I am trying to do some join-like pipeline using flink connect operator
>>> and CoProcessFunction, I have use case that I need to connect 3+ streams.
>>> So I am having something like this:
>>> A
>>>     ===> C
>>> B                 ==> E
>>>               D
>>> So two streams A and B connect at first with 3 hours late on low
>>> watermark, after data has been emitted (the output C stream), a new stream
>>> D connect to C and emitted E as final output. I was wondering how the
>>> downstream watermark should be defined. Should I give C stream a new
>>> watermark for 3 hours delay again? or when I connect stream D, everything
>>> will be 6 hours late on low watermark.
>>> I am using BoundedOutOfOrdernessGenerator[1] with maxOutOfOrderness 3
>>> hours
>>> Thanks for your tips and help in advance.
>>> Best,
>>> Chengzhi
>>> [1]
>>> .4/dev/event_timestamps_watermarks.html#with-periodic-watermarks

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