Hi Flink support, I'm trying to use FlinkKafkaConnector010 to do the streaming from KafkaBroker Sasl. Currently, I got problem with Token refreshing every 24hours that's why I want restart the KafkaConsumer every 24hours.
Since KafkaConsumer is wrapped by FlinkKafkaConnector010, I'm trying to re-new FlinkKafkaConnector010 every 24h. However, since the Flink job is already submitted the re-new FlinkKfakaConnector010 is not taking effected to the current running Flink job. Could you please let me know if there is any feature to do a scheduler to restart Flink job? Or you have any idea to have it work in my case? Thanks a lot for your help! Best regards, Le Hoang Le Hoang Nguyen Email: hoangnguyen0...@gmail.com Cell Phone: 312-480-0568 Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/le-hoang-nguyen