Hello all,

Thank you all for your responses, I’ll take a look at your code Hao, and 
probably implement something similar.
I’d like to ask though, so as to know what we could expect from Flink in the 
future, if this issue will be addressed somehow, considering that we have 
already 3 different companies implementing different (but similar) solutions to 
solve the same problem.
Maybe we could think of adding this issue to here: 

Thank you,
Juan G.

From: hao gao <hao.x....@gmail.com>
Date: Wednesday, 25 April 2018 at 20:25
To: Juan Gentile <j.gent...@criteo.com>
Cc: "user@flink.apache.org" <user@flink.apache.org>, Oleksandr Nitavskyi 
Subject: Re: Externalized checkpoints and metadata

Hi Juan,

We modified the flink code a little bit to change the flink checkpoint 
structure so we can easily identify which is which
you can read my note or the PR
Hope it helps


2018-04-25 6:07 GMT-07:00 Juan Gentile 

We are trying to use externalized checkpoints, using RocksDB on Hadoop hdfs.
We would like to know what is the proper way to resume from a saved checkpoint 
as we are currently running many jobs in the same flink cluster.

The problem is that when we want to restart the jobs and pass the metadata file 
(or directory) there is 1 file per job but they are not easily identifiable 
based on the name:

We are not using savepoints and reading the documentation I see there are 2 
ways to resume, 1 passing the metadata file (not possible as we have many jobs) 
and the other passing the directory,
But by default it looks for a _metadata file which doesn’t exist.

Thank you,
Juan G.

 - Hao

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