In your case a FlatMapFunction is better suited because it allows 0, 1 or more output.

It would look like this:

text.flatMap((FlatMapFunction<String, Void>) (value, out) ->parse(value));

Or with an anonymous class:

text.flatMap(new FlatMapFunction<String, Void>() {
   @Override public void flatMap(String value, Collector<Void> out)throws 
Exception {
      parse(value); }


Am 19.04.18 um 15:26 schrieb Soheil Pourbafrani:
parse function is a static function from another class I've imported into the project.

On Thu, Apr 19, 2018 at 5:55 PM, Soheil Pourbafrani < <>> wrote:

    my map code is like this: -> parse(x));

    I can't get what you mean!
    Something like the line below?

    DataStream<java.lang.void> t = -> parse(x));


    On Thu, Apr 19, 2018 at 5:49 PM, Timo Walther <
    <>> wrote:

        Hi Soheil,

        Flink supports the type "java.lang.Void" which you can use in
        this case.


        Am 19.04.18 um 15:16 schrieb Soheil Pourbafrani:

            Hi, I have a void function that takes a String, parse it
            and write it into Cassandra (Using pure java, not Flink
            Cassandra connector). Using Apache Flink Kafka connector,
            I've got some data into DataStream<String>. Now I want to
            apply Parse function to each message in
            DataStream<String>, but as the Parse function returns
            nothing (is void), I got the error
            no instance of type variable R exists so that void
            conforms to R

            Is there any way to do such process using apache Flink?

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