Hi ,

Is there any plan to adding these features to flink SQL ?


> 在 2018年3月14日,上午7:48,Fabian Hueske <fhue...@apache.org> 写道:
> Hi,
> Chesnay is right. 
> SQL and Table API do not support early window results and no allowed lateness 
> to update results with late arriving data.
> If you need such features, you should use the DataStream API.
> Best, Fabian
> 2018-03-13 12:10 GMT+01:00 Chesnay Schepler <ches...@apache.org 
> <mailto:ches...@apache.org>>:
> I don't think you can specify custom triggers when using purer SQL, but maybe 
> Fabian or Timo know a SQL way of implementing your goal.
> On 12.03.2018 13:16, 李玥 wrote:
>> Hi Chirag,
>> Thank for your reply!
>> I found a provided ContinuousEventTimeTrigger should be worked in my 
>> situation. 
>> Most examples are based on Table API like 
>> ‘ds.keyBy(0).window().trigger(MyTrigger.of())…’, But how to apply the 
>> trigger to a pure Flink SQL Application ? 
>>> 在 2018年3月12日,下午5:20,Chirag Dewan <chirag.dewa...@yahoo.in 
>>> <mailto:chirag.dewa...@yahoo.in>> 写道:
>>> Hi LiYue,
>>> This should help : Apache Flink 1.5-SNAPSHOT Documentation: Windows 
>>> <https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-master/dev/stream/operators/windows.html#triggers>
>>> Apache Flink 1.5-SNAPSHOT Documentation: Windows
>>> <https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-master/dev/stream/operators/windows.html#triggers>
>>> So basically you need to register a processing time trigger at every 10 
>>> minutes and on callback, you can FIRE the window result like this:
>>>   @Override
>>>     public TriggerResult onProcessingTime(long time, TimeWindow window, 
>>> TriggerContext ctx) throws Exception {
>>>       // schedule next timer
>>>       ctx.registerProcessingTimeTimer(System.currentTimeMillis() + 1000L);
>>>       return TriggerResult.FIRE;
>>>     }
>>> I hope it helps.
>>> Chirag
>>> On Monday, 12 March, 2018, 2:10:25 PM IST, 李玥 <liyue2...@gmail.com 
>>> <mailto:liyue2...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>> Hi,team
>>>     I’m working on a event-time based aggregation application with flink 
>>> SQL.  Is there any way to keep sinking partial aggregation result BEFORE 
>>> time window closed?
>>> For example, My SQL:
>>>     select …
>>>     from my_table
>>>     GROUP BY TUMBLE(`timestamp`, INTERVAL '1’ DAY),other_column;
>>> Usually, Flink sink agg result after time-window closed, Is there any way 
>>> to keep sinking TODAY’s partial aggregation result every 10 miniutes so we 
>>> can see today’s performance on my chart.
>>> Thanks!
>>> LiYue

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