Hi, has there been any changes to state handling with Flink SQL? Anything

I didn't find it at

Recently I ran into problems when trying to restore the state after changes
that I thought wouldn't change the execution plan.

This is what I did basically:

SingleOutputStreamOperator kafkaStream = createKafkaStream(env);

registerTable("events1", kafkaStream, tableEnv);
Table result1 = tableEnv.sql(sql1);

registerTable("events2", kafkaStream, tableEnv);
Table result2 = tableEnv.sql(sql2);

Now, even though I created two different tables from kafkaStream, they end
up in the same StreamTableEnvironment and Flink optimizes the plan combining
common parts of sql1 & sql2 :) That's of course nice when stream DAG doesn't
need to be evolved.. But if I'd want to force a "split" after the
kafkaStream, is there any way to do so without having to read from kafka
multiple times?

If I now add this:

registerTable("events3", kafkaStream, tableEnv);
Table result3 = tableEnv.sql(sql3);

..restoring from savepoint fails, because Flink pushes for example filters
(WHERE conditions) from this new query into the first common block of the
SQL execution plan, and adding another branch to the DAG changing the common
block, too. So even though this change looked like I'm only adding something
new, it also touched the existing parts of the DAG.

I ended up using java API where I define operators explicitly, even setting
uid on each operator to ensure savepoint compatibility. I would hope to be
able to use SQL and Table API instead, if it was also possible to restore
state after this kind of incremental changes.

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