It turns out the issue was due to our zookeeper installation being in a bad state. I am not clear enough on flink’s networking internals to explain how this manifested as a partition not found exception, but hopefully this can serve as a starting point for other’s who run into the same issue.
[cid:image001.png@01D3BAAE.915F15C0] Seth Wiesman| Software Engineer 4 World Trade Center, 46th Floor, New York, NY 10007<> From: Seth Wiesman <> Date: Friday, March 9, 2018 at 11:53 AM To: "" <> Subject: PartitionNotFoundException when restarting from checkpoint Hi, We are running Flink 1.4.0 with a yarn deployment on ec2 instances, rocks dB and incremental checkpointing, last night a job failed and became stuck in a restart cycle with a PartitionNotFound. We tried restarting the checkpoint on a fresh Flink session with no luck. Looking through the logs we can see that the specified partition is never registered with the ResultPartitionManager. My questions are: 1) Are partitions a part of state or are the ephemeral to the job 2) If they are not part of state, where would the task managers be getting that partition id to begin with 3) Right now we are logging everything under, is there anywhere else to look Thank you, [cid:image002.png@01D3BAAE.915F15C0] Seth Wiesman| Software Engineer 4 World Trade Center, 46th Floor, New York, NY 10007<>