Many thanks Aljoscha! I am sorry I missed this section.


On Mon, Mar 12, 2018 at 9:16 AM, Aljoscha Krettek <>

> Hi Kedar,
> There is this section in the Flink docs:
> projects/flink/flink-docs-master/monitoring/debugging_classloading.html
> Best,
> Aljoscha
> On 10. Mar 2018, at 05:53, kedar mhaswade <>
> wrote:
> This is an interesting question and it usually has consequences that are
> far-reaching in user experience.
> If a Flink app is supposed to be a "standalone app" that any Flink
> installation should be able to run, then the child-first classloading makes
> sense. This is how we build many of the Java application servers (e.g.
> GlassFish, JBoss etc). Doing this makes the application "self-contained"
> and perhaps portable. Of course, this increases the size of the Jar. The
> one issue to watch out for is application using framework classes that are
> newer than framework itself. For instance, should I expect my app with
> Flink *1.6* DataSet/DataStream classes to run smoothly on a Flink 1.5
> installation?
> If a Flink app depends on a particular (version of the) Flink
> installation, then, if using parent-first classloading, the app can make
> use of the classes that the installation itself uses. This makes the app
> (comparatively) less self-contained, but this limits the size of the app's
> Jar. There are advantages of doing this, but it poses problems especially
> in upgrades.
> Whether one or the other should be the behavior largely depends on how the
> applications are built, tested, and deployed. Application's build comes
> into picture because in tools like Maven a dependency can be declared to be
> "provided" which means if you know that your app's dependency is also your
> framework's (i.e. Flink) dependency and you, as an app developer, are okay
> with that Maven wouldn't bundle it in your app's Jar.
> So, my recommendation is that since this appears like a backward
> incompatible change, Flink should provide an option to go back to
> parent-first classloading for a given app, at least for 1.5. Child-first
> classloading seems like the right thing to do given how (unnecessarily)
> complicated the deployments have become and given how frequently apps use
> library versions that are different from the framework.
> ElasticSearch solution has merits too, but it is unclear if it helps *at
> deployment time* merely to identify that there is a duplicate (without
> knowing where it has come from). Ideally, when people build the so-called
> shadow Jar (one Jar with all dependencies) the build script should warn of
> the duplicates. Shadow Jars alleviate (but do not remove) the problems of
> "Jar Hell". But it seems to me that till we move to a modular Java (that is
> Java 9; I think this is way out in future), this is the preferred solution.
> That said, I'd really like to see a classloading section in Flink docs
> (somewhere in dev/best_practices.html). Is a JIRA in order?
> Regards,
> Kedar
> On Fri, Mar 9, 2018 at 1:52 PM, Stephan Ewen <>
> wrote:
>> @Ken very interesting thought.
>> One for have three options:
>>   - forbid duplicate classes
>>   - parent first conflict resolution
>>   - child first conflict resolution
>> Having number one as the default and let the error message suggest
>> options two and three as options would definitely make users aware of the
>> issue...
>> On Fri, Mar 9, 2018, 21:09 Ken Krugler <>
>> wrote:
>>> I can’t believe I’m suggesting this, but perhaps the Elasticsearch
>>> “Hammer of Thor” (aka “jar hell”) approach would be appropriate here.
>>> Basically they prevent a program from running if there are duplicate
>>> classes on the classpath.
>>> This causes headaches when you really need a different version of
>>> library X, and that’s already on the class path.
>>> See for an
>>> example of the issues it can cause.
>>> But it definitely catches a lot of oops-ish mistakes in building the
>>> jars, and makes debugging easier (they print out “class X jar1: <path to
>>> jar> jar2: <path to jar>”).
>>> Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: jar hell!
>>> class:
>>> jar1: 
>>> /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_66.jdk/Contents/Home/lib/ant-javafx.jar
>>> jar2: 
>>> /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_66.jdk/Contents/Home/lib/packager.jar
>>> — Ken
>>> On Mar 9, 2018, at 3:21 AM, Stephan Ewen <> wrote:
>>> Hi all!
>>> Flink 1.4 introduces child-first classloading by default, for the
>>> application libraries.
>>> We added that, because it allows applications to use different versions
>>> of many libraries, compared to what Flink uses in its core, or compared to
>>> what other dependencies (like Hadoop) pull into the class path.
>>> For example, applications can use different versions of akka, Avro,
>>> Protobuf, etc. Compared to what Flink / Hadoop / etc. uses.
>>> Now, while that is nice, child-first classloading runs into trouble when
>>> the application jars are not properly built, meaning when the application
>>> JAR contains libraries that it should not (because they are already in the
>>> classpath / lib folder).
>>> For example, when the class path has the Kafka Connector (connector is
>>> in the lib directory) and the application jar also contains Kafka, the we
>>> get nasty errors due to class duplication and impossible class casts (X
>>> cannot be cast to X).
>>> What I would like to understand is how this change worked out for the
>>> users. Based on that, we can keep this or revert this change in the next
>>> release.
>>> Please answer to this mail with:
>>>   a. This was a great change, keep it and polish it.
>>>   b. This caused in the end more problems than it solved, so please set
>>> the default back to "parent-first" in 1.5 and leave "child-first" as an
>>> optional flag.
>>> Thanks a lot,
>>> Stephan
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