Or even easier:

You can do specify the type after the map call:

eventStream.map({e: Event => toRow(e)})(Types.ROW_NAMED(...))


Am 2/15/18 um 9:55 AM schrieb Timo Walther:

In your case you don't have to convert to row if you don't want to. The Table API will do automatic conversion once the stream of Event is converted into a table. However, this only works if Event is a POJO.

If you want to specify own type information your MapFunction can implement the ResultTypeQueryable interface. In the getProducedType method you can specify your row infomation. Like Types.ROW_NAMED(...).

Hope this helps.


Am 2/14/18 um 10:35 PM schrieb nikhilsimha:
I have a stream of events of a custom type. I want to know how to convert
these events into Rows that can be queried. More specifically how do I
attach type information to the stream of rows that is generated?

I have the following code

     val execEnv = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment
     val tableEnv: StreamTableEnvironment =

     val eventStream : DataStream[Event] = ...
     val rowStream: DataStream[Row] = eventStream.map({e: Event => toRow(e)})
     tableEnv.registerDataStream("some_name", rowStream)

     tableEnv.sql("select bedrooms from some_name")

This code compiles. But clearly wouldn't work because I didn't specify the
type or position of `bedrooms`.

So what API do I use to specify the typeInformation of my rowStream?

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