Hi Puneet,

I agree with Timo, such a feature should be carefully designed.

Besides, I'm very interested with your business scenario. I am wondering
where your retraction stream come from (Maybe mysql binlog? or ?).
It would be great if you can tell more about the details. Maybe we can
figure out a simple workaround.

Thanks, Hequn.

2018-01-26 23:08 GMT+08:00 Puneet Kinra <puneet.ki...@customercentria.com>:

> Hi
> I know currently Ingesting a table from a retraction stream is not
> supported yet.
> is there any plan to include in upcoming releases.
> --
> *Cheers *
> *Puneet Kinra*
> *Mobile:+918800167808 <+91%2088001%2067808> | Skype :
> puneet.ki...@customercentria.com <puneet.ki...@customercentria.com>*
> *e-mail :puneet.ki...@customercentria.com
> <puneet.ki...@customercentria.com>*

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