Hi, We have a Flink Streaming application that uses S3 for storing checkpoints. We are not using 'regular' S3, but rather IBM Object Storage which has an S3-compatible connector. We had quite some challenges in overiding the endpoint from the default s3.amnazonaws.com to our internal IBM Object Storage endpoint. In 1.3.2, we managed to get this working by providing our own jets3t.properties file that overrode s3service.s3-endpoint (https://jets3t.s3.amazonaws.com/toolkit/configuration.html)
When upgrading to 1.4.0, we added dependency to the flink-s3-fs-hadoop artifact. Seems that our overriding with jets3t.properties is no longer relevant since does not use the Hadoop implementation anymore. Is there a way to overide this default endpoint, or with the presto endpoint can we use this? Please note that if we provide the endpoint in the URL for the state backend, it simply appends s3.amazonaws.com to the url. For example s3://myobjectstorageendpoint.s3.amazonaws.com. Are there any other solutions such as to 'rollback' to the Hadoop implementation of S3? Thanks, Hayden