Your analysis looks correct, the code in question will never properly detect hadoop file systems. I'll open a jira.

Your suggestion to replace it with getUnguardedFileSystem() was my first instinct as well.

Good job debugging this.

On 10.01.2018 14:17, jelmer wrote:
Hi I am trying to convert some jobs from flink 1.3.2 to flink 1.4.0

But i am running into the issue that the bucketing sink will always try and connect to hdfs://localhost:12345/ instead of the hfds url i have specified in the constructor

If i look at the code at

It tries to create the hadoop filesystem like this

final org.apache.flink.core.fs.FileSystem flinkFs = org.apache.flink.core.fs.FileSystem.get(path.toUri());
final FileSystem hadoopFs = (flinkFs instanceof HadoopFileSystem) ?
((HadoopFileSystem) flinkFs).getHadoopFileSystem() : null;

But FileSystem.getUnguardedFileSystem will always return a

But FileSystem.get will always return a SafetyNetWrapperFileSystem so the instanceof check will never indicate that its a hadoop filesystem

Am i missing something or is this a bug and if so what would be the correct fix ? I guess replacing FileSystem.get with FileSystem.getUnguardedFileSystem would fix it but I am afraid I lack the context to know if that would be safe

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