
lateness is record time or the real word time? 
maxoutoforderness is record time or the real word time? 

Both allow lateness of window operators, or maxOutOfOrderness of the 
BoundedOutOfOrdernessTimestampExtractor, refer to event time.

- given the end timestamp of a window is x (in event time) and allowed lateness 
is y, the window state is cleared only when the current watermark of the window 
operator passes x+y
- the BoundedOutOfOrdernessTimestampExtractor emits watermarks that lag behind 
the max record timestamp (in event time) by a fixed amount of time (again, in 
event time).

Hope this clarifies things for you!

On 16 December 2017 at 8:07:15 AM, chen (eric__...@126.com) wrote:

eventTime, lateness, maxoutoforderness are all about time.  
event Time is the water mark time on the record.  
lateness is record time or the real word time?  
maxoutoforderness is record time or the real word time?  

dataStream.keyBy(row -> (String)row.getField(0))  
.fold(initRow(), new MyFoldFunction())  

public Watermark getCurrentWatermark() {  
return new Watermark(currentTime - 5000);}  

Does anyone could explain the time of eventTime,lateness,maxoutoforderness?  

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