Quick follow up question. Is there some way to notify a TimestampAssigner that 
is consuming from an idle source?


Seth Wiesman | Software Engineer, Data

4 World Trade Center, 46th Floor, New York, NY 10007

From: Seth Wiesman <swies...@mediamath.com>
Date: Wednesday, December 13, 2017 at 12:04 PM
To: Timo Walther <twal...@apache.org>, "user@flink.apache.org" 
Subject: Re: Watermark in broadcast

Hi Timo,

I think you are correct. This stream is consumed from Kafka and the number of 
partitions is much less than the parallelism of the program so there would be 
many partitions that never forward watermarks greater than Long.Min_Value.

Thank you for the quick response.


Seth Wiesman | Software Engineer, Data

4 World Trade Center, 46th Floor, New York, NY 10007

From: Timo Walther <twal...@apache.org>
Date: Wednesday, December 13, 2017 at 11:46 AM
To: "user@flink.apache.org" <user@flink.apache.org>
Subject: Re: Watermark in broadcast

Hi Seth,

are you sure that all partitions of the broadcasted stream send a watermark? 
processWatermark is only called if a minimum watermark arrived from all 


Am 12/13/17 um 5:10 PM schrieb Seth Wiesman:

How are watermarks propagated during a broadcast partition? I have a 
TwoInputStreamTransformation that takes a broadcast stream as one of its 
inputs. Both streams are assigned timestamps and watermarks before being 
connected however I only ever see watermarks from my non-broadcast stream. Is 
this expected behavior? Currently I have overridden processWatermark1 to 
unconditionally call processWatermark but that does not seem like an ideal 

Thank you,

Seth Wiesman | Software Engineer, Data

4 World Trade Center, 46th Floor, New York, NY 10007

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