Hi All,

The io.netty package included in flnk 1.3.2 is 4.0.23, while the
latest lettuce-core (4.4) depends on netty 4.0.35.

If I include netty 4.0.35 in the app jar, it would throw
java.nio.channels.UnresolvedAddressException. It seems the netty
classes are mixed between versions from app jar and flink runtime.

If I exclude netty from app jar, then the lettuce throws
because it needs that method but flink's netty version do not provide.

Is it a bug? Does the flink runtime provide individual class loader
env for app? That is, is there some clean way for the app to use
package solely from the app jar?

Now my workaround is degrade the lettuce version to 4.2, because it
depends on nettty 4.0.20. I also include netty into the app jar, now
it seems no conflict with the flink runtime. It's weird.

Please help, thanks.

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