
Have you tried this




> On 11 Dec 2017, at 14:22, Edward <egb...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Let me try that again -- it didn't seem to render my commands correctly:
> Thanks for the response, Shailesh. However, when I try with python, I get
> the 
> same error as when I attempted this with cURL: 
> $ python uploadJar.py
> java.io.FileNotFoundException:
> /tmp/flink-web-4bed7801-fa5e-4e5e-abf1-3fa13ba1f528/438eaac1-7647-4716-8d8d-f95acd8129b2_/path/to/jar/file.jar
> (No such file or directory)
> That is, if I tell python (or cURL) that my jar file is at 
> /path/to/jar/file.jar, the file path it uses on the server side includes 
> that entire path in the target file name. And if I try the script with no
> path (i.e. run the script 
> in the folder where file.jar exists), it uploads an empty file named 
> file.jar.  The endpoint at file/upload seems to be take the form-data 
> element "jarfile" and use the fully qualified path when trying to save the 
> jar file on the server side. 
> Here is my equivalent attempt using cURL, which gives the same 
> FileNoFoundException as above: 
> curl 'http://localhost:8081/jars/upload' -H 'Content-Type:
> multipart/form-data; boundary=----BoundaryXXXX' --data-binary
> $'------BoundaryXXXX\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name="jarfile";
> filename="/path/to/jar/file.jar"\r\nContent-Type:
> application/java-archive\r\n\r\n\r\n------BoundaryXXXX--\r\n' 
> --
> Sent from: 
> http://apache-flink-user-mailing-list-archive.2336050.n4.nabble.com/

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