Protobuf is notorious for throwing things like “class not found” when built and run with different versions of the library; I believe flink is using protobuf 2.5.0 and you mentioned using 2.6.1, which I think would be a possible cause of this issue.
-- Jared Stehler Chief Architect - Intellify Learning o: 617.701.6330 x703 <(617)%20701-6330> On Nov 22, 2017, at 4:25 AM, Nico Kruber <> wrote: But wouldn't a failed dependency show another ClassNotFoundException? On Tuesday, 21 November 2017 20:31:58 CET Gordon Weakliem wrote: Isn't one cause for ClassNotFoundException that the class can't load due to failed dependencies or a failure in a static constructor? If jar -tf target/program.jar | grep MeasurementTable shows the class is present, are there other dependencies missing? You may need to add runtime dependencies into your pom or file. On Tue, Nov 21, 2017 at 2:28 AM, Nico Kruber <> wrote: Hi Shankara, sorry for the late response, but honestly, I cannot think of a reason that some of your program's classes (using only a single jar file) are found some others are not, except for the class not being in the jar. Or there's some class loader issue in the Flink Beam runner (which I find unlikely though) - maybe Aljoscha (cc'd) can elaborate a bit more on the Beam side and has some other idea. Nico On Tuesday, 14 November 2017 14:54:28 CET Shankara wrote: Hi Nico, - how do you run the job? If we run same program in flink local then it works fine. For flink local we used command line mvn package exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=com.huawei.ccn.intelliom.ims.tmon.TMon -Dexec.args="--threshold=Measurment:0:4001:1:90:85:CPU --broker=" -Pflink-runner When we use flink cluster and submit jar using web UI then we are getting exception. like below <http://apache-flink-user-mailing-list-archive.2336050. 169/image953.png> Exception : <http://apache-flink-user-mailing-list-archive.2336050. 169/image_%281%29.png> - how do you add/include the jar with the missing class? We are generating the linked jar using the maven-jar-plugin. And in the bundled jar all the protobuf generated class exist. There is no missing class. - is that jar file part of your program's jar or separate? since we are using the jar-plugin, the protobuf jar is also part of the generated jar. - is the missing class, i.e. "com.huawei.ccn.intelliom.ims. MeasurementTable $measurementTable" (an inner class starting in lower-case?), really in the jar file? It might be a wrongly generated protobuf class ... sub Class is exit in Protobuf generated class. Please find the attached class. <http://apache-flink-user-mailing-list-archive.2336050. 169/Selection_028.png> Thanks, Shankara -- Sent from: