Hi Dominik,
the Web UI shows you the status of a checkpoint [0], so it might be
possible to retrieve the information via REST calls. Usually, you should
perform a savepoint for planned restarts. If a savepoint is successful
you can be sure to restart from it.
Otherwise the platform from data Artisans might be interesting for you
[1], it aims to improve the deployment for streaming application
lifecycles (disclaimer: I work for them).
[1] https://data-artisans.com/da-platform-2
Am 11/22/17 um 10:41 AM schrieb domi...@dbruhn.de:
we are running Flink 1.3.2 with streaming jobs and we are running into
issues when we are restarting a complete job (which can happen due to
various reasons: upgrading of the job, restarting of the cluster,
failures). The problem is that there is no automated way to find out
from which checkpoint-metadata (so externalized checkpoint) we should
resume. There can always be the situation that we are left with
multiple of those files: Now you want to use the most recent one which
is successfully written.
Is there any tooling available already which picks the latest good
checkpoint? Or at least a tool/commandline which we can use to
validate that a checkpoint is valid so we can pick the latest one?
How are others handling this? Manually?
Would be happy to get some input there,