Is your job running on a standalone cluster? I’m using a detached yarn session in a multi-tenant environment. And I’m guessing you haven’t had to do anything special for the akka configurations.
From: Joshua Griffith [] Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2017 2:57 PM To: Chan, Regina [Tech] Cc: Subject: Re: Job Manager Configuration I have an IO-dominated batch job with 471 distinct tasks (3786 tasks with parallelism) running on 8 nodes with 12 GiB of memory and 4 CPUs each. I haven’t had any problems adding additional tasks except for 1) tasks timing out the first time the cluster is started (I suppose the JVM needs to warm up), and 2) the UI can’t really handle this many tasks, although using Firefox Quantum makes it possible to see what’s going on. Joshua On Oct 31, 2017, at 10:25 AM, Chan, Regina <<>> wrote: Asking an additional question, what is the largest plan that the JobManager can handle? Is there a limit? My flows don’t need to run in parallel and can run independently. I wanted them to run in one single job because it’s part of one logical commit on my side. Thanks, Regina From: Chan, Regina [Tech] Sent: Monday, October 30, 2017 3:22 PM To: '<>' Subject: Job Manager Configuration Flink Users, I have about 300 parallel flows in one job each with 2 inputs, 3 operators, and 1 sink which makes for a large job. I keep getting the below timeout exception but I’ve already set it to a 30 minute time out with a 6GB heap on the JobManager? Is there a heuristic to better configure the job manager? Caused by: org.apache.flink.runtime.client.JobClientActorSubmissionTimeoutException: Job submission to the JobManager timed out. You may increase 'akka.client.timeout' in case the JobManager needs more time to configure and confirm the job submission. Regina Chan Goldman Sachs – Enterprise Platforms, Data Architecture 30 Hudson Street, 37th floor | Jersey City, NY 07302 • (212) 902-5697