Thanks Stefan and Aljoscha for your responses. Stefan - When I mentioned "new window" - I meant the next window being created. Eg: if the event was in w1 based processing time and the trigger returned FIRE - then after the window function is computed, what happens to the events in that window (w1). Are they (elements in w1) propagated to the next processing time window (w2) ? If not, then what is the difference between FIRE and FIRE_AND_PURGE and when do we use FIRE vs FIRE_AND PURGE ? Are there any examples to demonstrated these differences ? Thanks again for your help. Mans
On Thursday, November 16, 2017 5:16 AM, Aljoscha Krettek <> wrote: Yes, all of this is correct. Sliding windows in fact look like completely separate windows to the windowing system. Best,Aljoscha On 16. Nov 2017, at 10:15, Stefan Richter <> wrote: Hi, I think the effect is pretty straight forward, the elements in a window are not purged if the trigger is only FIRE and not FIRE_AND_PURGE. Unfortunately, your question is a bit unclear about what exactly you mean by „new window“: a truly „new“ window or another triggering of the previous (non-purged) window? In the first case, it is a new window without the previous elements, in the second case the window reflects the old contents plus all changes since the last trigger. For sliding windows, if I remember correctly, every slide is actually a different window and elements are just added repeatedly to all windows in which they belong. So window n+1 should not be affected by whether or not window n purges or not. Maybe Aljoscha (in CC) can confirm this for us. Best,Stefan Am 13.11.2017 um 20:19 schrieb M Singh <>: Hi Flink Users I have a few questions about triggers: If a trigger returns TriggerResult.FIRE from say the onProcessingTime method - the window computation is triggered but elements are kept in the window. If there a second invocation of the onProcessingTime method will the elements from the previous window (which were not purged) a part of the new window computation along with new events added since the last FIRE event ? Secondly, how does the FIRE option affect the sliding window computation ? If there are any other insights/pitfalls while dealing with this, please let me know. Thanks Mans